Attorney Michael P. Walton

Your Advocate for Your Legal Solutions


Solo Practicing Attorney

You wouldn't face the legal system alone. Why should your child?

The juvenile justice system, just like the adult system, is adversarial. No matter what you are told the simple fact is law enforcement and prosecutors are working toward ensuring a conviction. As a result, children are often exposed to abuses and denials of their constitutional rights during this process. Make sure that your child has an attorney who understands the nuances of this system including felony bind-overs to adult court, sentencing and DYS, as well treatment providers and residential placement options.

 Attorney Walton is experienced in juvenile defense, having started his career with Office of the Ohio Public Defender in Columbus within the juvenile division. He has continued to practice within the juvenile justice system, handling a wide-array of delinquency matters all the way from unruly behavior to felonies with the potential of being bound over to adult court.

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